Janice Crouse of the Beverly LaHaye Institute comments on the recent media coverage of “teen sex.” I found this comment from a doctor to summarize the whole sordid mess:
What the girls (and guys) don’t realize is that they are getting more than they bargained for. Dr. Meg Meeker, a pediatrician in Traverse City, Michigan, spoke at the Educational Policy conference in St. Louis last weekend. She said that doctors have to update their assumptions these days. When a pre-teen or teen comes in with a sore throat, Dr. Meeker says, “You can’t just think mono and strep; with the dramatic increase in oral sex, you have to also think herpes and gonorrhea.”
Yes, this is the sad reality. Disease, depression, not to mention future failed marriages afftecting any children from those marriages—a great legacy of sexual liberation. Doesn’t it seem strange that we don’t allow 14-year-olds to vote, but think it’s ok for them to express sexual passions, something so powerful, procreative, psychologically complex, mysterious—we say, go ahead and do it, just use a condom or oral cavities. We have told them that politics is more important than the procreative union of male and female. Any society that does this is doomed. It has to be. I think even Darwin would agree.
Crouse also says some important things about parents talking with their children about sex in the article. One of them is don’t assume that “The Talk” is enough.
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