— Allan Carlson, will give a talk, Making Social Security Reform Family-Friendly, on Wednesday, February 23, at the Family Research Council (FRC) in Washington, D.C.
From the FRC announcement:
A number of proposals to solve Social Security’s looming problems are currently circulating around Washington. The president proposes to allow workers to invest some of their income. Others would raise taxes or restrict benefits. But do any of these ideas really address the root cause of Social Security’s problems: a sharp decrease in the number of workers paying into the system? Does the very concept of Social Security provide a perverse incentive to not have children, thus carrying the seeds of its own destruction?
The Social Security Acts of 1935 and 1939 built a system that assumed and reinforced a very traditional understanding of the family, with a breadwinning father, a homemaking mother, and a child-centered home. Why and when did Social Security begin to discourage the birth of children, so undercutting its assumptions? What reforms would make Social Security “pro-family” for the twenty-first century?
You can listen to a live audiocast of the lecture online beginning at 11:00 a.m. (Eastern) on Febraury 23. For attendance in person, please R.S.V.P. online or call 202-393-2100, Ext. 3004.
— The 13th Annual William E. Conger, Jr. Lectures on Biblical Preaching will be given by Michael Quicke, C.W. Koller Professor of Preaching and Communications at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, February 22–24 at Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama.
For more information call 800-888-8266 or 205-726-2991 or visit Beeson Divinity School on the web here.
— The Veritas Forum at the University of Kentucky is sponsoring a conference, Pharmaceuticals, Films, & Faith: Exploring Personhood in the 21st Century, February 21–23, in Lexington, Kentucky.
On February 21, Dr. Dan Blazer of Duke University addresses the roles/limits of medications in the pursuit of mental health and human wholeness. On February 22, Craig Detwiler of Biola University explores recent works of cinema and how these compare or contrast with the Christian vision of a person. On February 23, Richard John Neuhaus, editor-in-chief of First Things, discusses the purpose of human existence.
The conference will include several performances of a theatrical version of C.S. Lewis’s The Great Divorce performed by the Univerosty of Kentucky’s Drama Department February 24–27. For more information on these performances, click here.
For more information on the lecture presentations click here or contact the Veritas Forum for directions. The talks are open to the public and free. The dramatic performances include a nominal ticket fee. Call 859-523-0700 or send an e-mail.
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