Some more to clear up any misunderstanding about the SpongeBob comments, from Jordan J. Ballor, including a helpful link. (I am not surprised that Dr. Dobson would have been misrepresented by the major “mainstream” media.)
In clarification of the SpongeBob/Dobson controversy and the response on Mere Comments by Fr. Daniel Sparks:
I was quoting an LA Times story that attributed that motivation to Dr. Dobson. My use of the quote was merely intended to illuminate a further example of the pervasiveness of what Lewis calls the a priori homosexual theory re: Friendship.
This is why I said “elements of such theorizing are at work” in the controversy. Perhaps I should have made this clearer. The attribution of such motives for Dobson’s comments comes from the LA Times, not from me, and certainly, as readers have pointed out, not from Dobson.
The quote is in “Yellow and Porous and Outed,” The Los Angeles Times, 21 January 2005, p. B10.
Cited here is Dobson’s response... “Setting the Record Straight”
Jordan J. Ballor, Associate Editor
Acton Institute PowerBlog
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