Those in the Pittsburgh area may enjoy the Pittsburgh Savoyards' production of Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado, playing its last three shows this weekend. My wife, our eldest (home for spring break), and I went last Friday and enjoyed it thoroughly.
It's held at the Andrew Carnegie Free Library in Carnegie, which sits just to the west of I-79 just south of I-279. (Hint: we got lost trying to follow the website's directions from I-279 but found it easily from I-79.)
Whoever writes the things made a few changes in some of the songs, but though the kind of person who generally dislikes such tinkering, I enjoyed all of them. They added to "Let the punishment fit the crime" a very funny verse about e-mail spammers, for example.
Anyway, if you live close enough and enjoy this sort of thing, it will be an evening or afternoon well spent. I may go back and take our second and third.
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