A couple of resources that may interest you, some of you, some of you the other, and many of you both:
First, the latest issue of the Criswell Theological Review, offering an examination of the "emerging church" movement. Available online from the issue is an interview with EC guru Brian McLaren and a critical essay by Mark Driscoll, the pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle. (Note: the David Mills who wrote one of the essays is not me.)
Second, the annual Letter and Spirit conference sponsored by the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. The subject this year is "Love and Sacrifice" and the speakers include Scott Hahn (director of the center), David Fagerberg, and Fr. Thomas Weinandy (formerly a professor at Oxford and now the American Catholic bishops' top doctrinal official), delivering the Ronald Lawler Memorial Lecture. (I plan to be at this.)
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