Fans of Anthony Esolen will certainly want to know that his Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization is now in print this summer. Give a copy to yourself and to your favorite college students as vaccinations before they head off to college this fall, before it's too late!
I can't wait to get my copy!
Posted by: GL | August 08, 2008 at 11:05 AM
I am copying here a most entertaining review at Amazon -- not at all typical of the mostly very positive reviews, by the way.
Interesting that this raving lunatic describes himself as "liberal." What do you have to believe to be radical?
Posted by: Judy K. Warner | August 08, 2008 at 11:42 AM
Judy, if that review doesn't cause folks to go out and buy a copy (or many copies), I don't know what will. I'm still laughing...all the way to the bookstore!
Posted by: Bill R | August 08, 2008 at 12:19 PM
>>>If you are also a free thinker, write to the bookstores, talk to the managers and ask to have this series of books removed from the shelves.<<<
Ah, yes. A free thinker who wants to ban books. . . . Actually that's par for the course, but then their entire lives are a mass of contradictions, so one should not be surprised to see that demonstrated in a single sentence.
Posted by: GL | August 08, 2008 at 01:10 PM
I have not yet purchased my copy, but I intend very much to do so. I'm not sold on the series as a whole, but if Anthony Esolen writes something I'm happy to give it a spot on my shelf.
I regret to say, actually, that I passed up a chance to buy it last weekend. It was in my hand and everything. But, in the end, I spent my allotted budget on a book by Terry Eagleton, an explanation of which turn of events would be too long and depressing to be worthwhile. I've had few stranger experiences than reading a condemnation of postmodern cultural theory and a defense of objective morality and the ordering towards the good as written by someone who still somehow contrives to believe that Marxism is true, but that hardly seems like an excuse for having failed to buy the superior book.
So, Prof. Esolen, if you're reading this: I'm sorry. It won't happen again.
And the review cited above is beautiful.
Posted by: Nick Milne | August 08, 2008 at 01:17 PM
"Listen to the fools reproach! It is a kingly title!"
Posted by: Joe Long | August 08, 2008 at 04:34 PM
I'm picking up my copy on the way home from work this evening.
But from peaking at the preview pages available at Amazon, I have to tell you, Tony, that I am disappointed. You aren't smiling in your author photo. I've always imagined you smiling.
Posted by: Kamilla | August 08, 2008 at 08:45 PM