Only in San Francisco?
Nun heading Presbyterian seminary shows 'Reformed ecumenism'
By Peter Kenny
Geneva, 18 June (ENI)--The appointment of a Roman Catholic nun as dean of San Francisco Theological Seminary illustrates the truth of the saying "to be Reformed is to be ecumenical", says the general secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches.
Earlier in June Elizabeth Liebert became the first Catholic sister to be named as dean of a Presbyterian seminary in the United States. San Francisco Theological Seminary is a school of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
By Peter Kenny
Geneva, 18 June (ENI)--The appointment of a Roman Catholic nun as dean of San Francisco Theological Seminary illustrates the truth of the saying "to be Reformed is to be ecumenical", says the general secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches.
Earlier in June Elizabeth Liebert became the first Catholic sister to be named as dean of a Presbyterian seminary in the United States. San Francisco Theological Seminary is a school of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
The Rev. Setri Nyomi, the general secretary of the Geneva-based WARC, told Ecumenical News International, "In April this year, while on an official visit to San Francisco Theological Seminary, I was impressed by the way in which SFTS is committed to ecumenical engagement and justice."
The WARC general secretary said, "This appointment indicates how the SFTS understands the truth of the common saying 'To be Reformed is to be ecumenical'. It will continue to strengthen the formation of a new generation of church leaders and church agents to understand the need to appreciate the gifts of all women and men from the different Christian traditions."
Liebert has spent more than two decades teaching at the 138-year-old seminary in San Anselmo, California, and she will replace the Rev. Jana Childers, who will step down on 30 June after nearly eight years as dean.
"We are particularly pleased to be attaining a historic ecumenical milestone," SFTS President Phil Butin said. "Dr Liebert's deanship is a sterling example of SFTS's thoroughgoing commitment to ecumenical theological education." [Reprinted by permission]
Couldn't happen to more deserving folks! They'll probably even let her play "priest".
Posted by: Steve Nicoloso | June 18, 2009 at 04:59 PM
"Nun heading Presbyterian seminary shows 'Reformed ecumenism'"
This is just hilarious. I love it.
Posted by: Truth Unites... and Divides | June 18, 2009 at 05:45 PM
How ridiculous! Adds new meaning to the word "ecumenical" and changes the definition of the word "reformed".
Posted by: jung | June 24, 2009 at 10:52 AM
If she is also gay they have hit a home run..
Would someone send the PCUSA some bibles?
Posted by: Terry | June 25, 2009 at 05:08 PM