Thanks to the many readers who've offered to pass out samples of our publications and subscription fliers! And now, we've just made it even easier for readers, friends, and supporters to spread the word about the publications and work of the Fellowship of St. James. Right here on our website you can download PDFs that you can print and use as flyers, bulletin inserts, and "coupons" to give friends--they'll thank you for giving them, for example, a special offer for Touchstone that has a FREE BOOK to go with it (Creed and Culture). Please think about how you might be able to use these PDF fliers to spread a bit of right thinking and small "o" orthodoxy in your local community! Most people appreciate word-of-mouth recommendations, especially when they come with a Freebie as good as Creed & Culture. Thanks!
Many newspaper have set up community blog adjuncts to their main site for their readers to make contributions. Sometimes they even reprint these and send them out on paper.
I intend to put together a personal "Best of Touchstone" post for a local paper's open blog. I'll summarize and link to my favorite articles in hopes of spreading publicity. This isn't a substitute for off-line publicity, but I'm sure it helps.
Posted by: Kevin J Jones | September 15, 2009 at 06:48 PM
Thanks. I already printed off some copies for a bi-monthly women's meeting at our parish. (Julie already sent me back issues.) I love this magazine.
Posted by: Sr. Dorcee Clarey | September 17, 2009 at 08:51 AM