C-FAM's Friday Fax tells the title story. The nub:
The argument began with passage of a Lithuanian “Law on the Protection of Minors against the Detrimental Effect of Public Information” which prohibits promotion of “homosexual, bisexual, polygamous relations” among children under the age of 18. While the Lithuanian president subsequently vetoed the measure, the Siemas overturned his veto and the law is slated to go in effect next March.
As a consequence, in September the European Parliament (EP) voted 349-218 to condemn the new law and ask the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights to review it.
So, the EU can't allow a nation to NOT push the homosexualist agenda on children; you MUST do it.
Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM) president Austin Ruse writes about exactly this sort of growing interference of "transnational progressives" in family matters in the January 2010 issue of Touchstone, by the way. And it's not just the EU. It's our beloved UN too. (Beware signing new treaties...look at the fine print.)The Lithuanians insist they are free to enact such laws and that the European Institutions have no “competence” in them. Many Europeans have long feared what they see as inevitable EU interference in life and family matters.
There is an important sentence in the passage on the C-FAM site linked above. It reads, "Besides the education of children and parental rights, the issue of national sovereignty is central to the debate." It would seem that Lithuania is under the misguided, albeit utterly legitimate, notion that it is a sovereign nation, despite its membership in the EU. This is a test case as surely as was that of Rosa Parks. Lithuania must hold firm for its rightful sovereignty, and no amount of "progressive" pressure should cause it to change or to be forced from the EU. Of course similar situations are starting to play out here in the U.S. as the federal government threatens ever more incursion into and control of state and local affairs.
Posted by: Magister Christianus | November 12, 2009 at 07:52 PM
Readers might read the excellent article by Tim Drake at National Catholic Register called The Crucifx and the Nation about a ruling of the European Rights Courts against the crucifix and the Italian nation. The sacred precincts of family and Church do not protect themselves. God centered nations do. Maybe in God's Providence it is exactly the homosexualist agenda which will remind Christian men of the duty bound national nature of masculine friendship. The natural masculine covenant of civic love and protective duty we form with our countrymen of geenrations past will eventually be the agent and form of the restoration of Christian culture in the nations of Europe as well as our own land. We wont be meeting as family and friends on the front porches of crunchy cons but in the halls of our own national institutions. The nation is the Scriptural form of protective male love as surely as marriage is the bequeathed instituion of the male female covenant. The article by Tim Drake is great!
Posted by: dp | November 13, 2009 at 07:41 PM