My grandmother, God rest her soul, was a Scots Presbyterian, who complained in the 1970s about the lukewarmness of her church. She would call weak tea "Presbyterian Tea." Sadly, but with little surprise, the PCUSA has followed in the steps of the mainline Episcopal Church USA in officially removing moral standards for its clergy relating to chastity and so on. Ordaining gays and lesbian is just fine now. This is not your grandmother's church.
Terry Schlossberg, who has been working within the PCUSA for years in the pro-life cause and other orthodox issues, sent me this Press Release from the Presbyterian Coalition:
May 10, 2011
The Church's proclamation of the gospel and the preservation of truth has been dealt a wounding blow by the outcome of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s vote on Amendment 10-A.
The PC(USA)'s explicit biblical and historical standard of sexual holiness -- "fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman or chastity in singleness" -- has been removed from our constitution's Form of Government. Thus, each session and presbytery will be expected to determine its own standard in the area of sexual behavior for those seeking ordination, thereby further fracturing our already fragile denominational unity.
As a result of this vote, the integrity of our life together as a denomination is called into question. Our relationship with many of our international missions partners and with thousands within our own denomination is deeply threatened, and we have placed ourselves at odds with the considered wisdom of the Christian Church throughout history.
God's benevolent will and good purpose for all people cannot be changed by a vote! The Presbyterian Coalition maintains its commitment to the standard that those called to office in the church are to lead a life in obedience to Scripture and in conformity to the historic confessional standards of the church. We continue to hold up the standard that officers are to live in fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness. We continue to counsel obedience to these standards, and repentance to those who fall short, as we all do.
We continue to pray for the transformation of those caught up in the sexual confusion of our time, and commit ourselves to walking alongside our brothers and sisters in the grace offered by our Lord Jesus Christ through his death and resurrection.
We continue in our commitment to preserve the truth and to resist evil, and we welcome all who will join us in working for biblical integrity in the Church of Jesus Christ.
We seek the Lord's will in what lies ahead, and pray that he will purify the PC(USA) and restore her witness to the world.
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. (1 Cor 6: 19-20)
To God be the glory!
Board of Directors
The Presbyterian Coalition
For further information, contact Terry Schlossberg, Renewal Advisor
[email protected] (703-680-4571)
Terry is a dear friend of many years. I was responsible for proposing to our Presbyterians Pro-Life board that she be hired as our Executive Director, which position she served for many years with great faithfulness.
That said, the most important thing about this press release is the absence of any call to separate from the wickedness of the PC(USA). And the second most important thing is that the reform of the PC(USA) is being led by a woman.
The comparison with the Episcopal non-church is quite right. Those who stay in these non-profit religious organizations calling them "the Church" are deluded and the tragedy of it is the corruption leaven works among all those left among the dead men's bones.
There's no perfect church. Bonhoeffer's quite right to warn against visionary dreaming with regard to the fellowship of Christ's Bride. But in God's grace we're not limited to choosing between the PC(USA) and Rome, on the one hand, and Tim Keller and Rob Bell on the other.
With love in Christ,
Posted by: Tim Bayly | May 11, 2011 at 07:18 AM
Why are SOME conservative Christians so fixated and passionate about people in samesex relationships? Why dont they have the same hysterical reaction to people who remarry after divorce when their first spouse is still living, which JESUS clearly condemned? Could it be that they have a specific, heightened prejudice and disdain for gay people and their relationships? This is why so many of us are hesitant to associate with conservative Christians today. Recent surveys show that antigay attitudes and beliefs are one of the main reasons people cite today as a reason they do not go to church or identify with Christianity. Although I am active in a gay-friendly charismatic church, I avoid churches that disrespect gay Christians. We will not support people who persecute and disrespect our gay and bisexual brethren, no matter how they try to use religion to justify their prejudice.
Posted by: Javier | May 12, 2011 at 12:17 AM
The differing reactions might have something to do with the fact that people who remarry after divorce haven't banded together and demanded "equal" treatment, nor have they seen it necessary to go out and form their own churches when they are rejected from leadership in some churches.
Perhaps it is because there is a difference between insufficiently criticizing a good thing done in a sinful manner and criticizing a thing which is sinful in itself?
Posted by: Kamilla | May 12, 2011 at 07:44 AM
"Could it be that they have a specific, heightened prejudice and disdain for gay people and their relationships?"
No I don't think so. I have no disdain for gay people; I have a great deal of disdain for ordaining gay people to the clergy.
Posted by: Hugh Barton | May 13, 2011 at 06:35 PM
Simply put, Metro and gay friendly churches are promulgating doctrines of demons.
The failures of heterosexual Christians to live up to biblical standards does not obviate those standards, and those who have been imperfectly obedient in this area do not seem inclined to band together to form pressure groups to remove the standards.
Our present trials actually lend understanding to the period in Israel when Baal worship was being promoted by Jezebel. It's easy to perceive these passages in black and white. But it's more likely that many people were confused because there were many "nice" people who were willingly swept along into the apostacy whereas the prophets of the Lord often seemed too rigid and judgemental. Those of us living through these challenges need to realize that when the final history is written, it will be written in black and white and that those who do not fear man but "tremble at the word of the Lord" will be seen as true and faithful.
Posted by: Bob Srigley | May 13, 2011 at 09:59 PM
Javier, if the Bibilical teaching that homosexual behavior leads to damnation is correct, then allowing and encouraging folks to live a life of damnation shows great disrespect for them as people and creatures made in the image and likeness of God, don't you think?
Evidently, you have rejected the traditional and Biblical testamony that certain behaviors are hateful to God and therefore lead to damnation. Once one begins to to that, pretty soon Christ Himself is out the window except as a decent man with some nice words to say.
There are many other behaviors, of course, but homoeroticism and sexual license in general seem to be the sin de jure for causing trouble in the Church amongst the faithful of all traditions.
Posted by: Michael Bauman (not Dr.) | May 17, 2011 at 09:39 AM